Floating happily on the Norwegian Spirit

Hey guys! Well I’ve been back almost a week now from the BIG trip! It’s crazy though. It was the fastest 24 days of my life! I don’t know how I’m even back now. It’s funny because I always get the “are you sure this trip really happened?” funk. The post-cruise blues, they are very real, kids. Very real.

Anyway, I wanted to make sure, since I’m trying (and badly at times) to make this travel blog work, that I kept notes on my daily activities to tell you as much as possible!!!!! And I took a million pictures, I swear. But I won’t post all of them here obviously! They are on my facebook.  (Ok I have a few hundred left to post, just have to get the time!)

Sorry this is the longest blog post of all time. hahah!!! I was told to document excessively for all my friends living vicariously through me!





Day one  on the Norwegian Spirit

Found out about $300 charge, will be refunded, a big stressed about it. Money is really tight this trip. Sigh. I can make it work, but my spending money for England is gonna be really small.
$3 tip/tax
Had goat curry. Whoa mama. Too hot. Upset my stomach.
Met a nice nomad lady Rhonda from Oklahoma. Talked to her for like an hour plus. She was nice. 🙂
Went to the show. Was a mix of dancing, acrobatic dancers, magician, and comedian. Pretty entertaining.
Getting used to the waves of the ocean again, made me dizzy had to call it a night early. 9pm

It was weird being on Norwegian instead of Carnival. I felt like I was cheating on them. After day one, I felt like I wasn’t going to enjoy this cruise line as much. It was like there was something missing for me. Carnival is known for their “fun ships” and I didn’t feel like there was enough fun.

I did notice two cute staff members, one was dancing at the “goodbye America” thing on the deck, one was a dancer. He was hot. Dark hair, dark eyes, really nice fit body, mmm mm mm. The other was very cute, amazing hair, he looked Spanish, but I didn’t know. (later found out he was Ukrainian)
Total: $303. Bastards.



Day 2 :

Breakfast. I fell in love with their freshly made pastry section. I ate croissants every day. And they had these really good grilled tomatoes that I ate almost every day as well. I miss those, and all the fresh fruit too.
Chilled to some tunes on the deck. In the shade cuz my shoulders were burnt from the Florida sun, not too bad but enough. I had enough bad burnts last summer to learn my lesson! Stay in the shade when you’re toasty. Haha
Learned Portuguese from Beatriz. She’s very nice.
went to the food seminar thing… I was EXTREMELY curious on how much food was actually on the boat. Like you have to feed 2,000 + people every day, three times a day. You have buffets and restaurants over the course of 14 days. That’s A LOT of food…
Use 300 lbs of rosemary, thyme, etc, 300 lbs of lobster. Wow. 25,000 lbs of potatoes. That is a lot of food.. and those are only the ones I wrote down. There was more, and it was mind boggling to learn!
Watched The Intern. I had seen it at work a few weeks before, but I had nothing else to do, and I love watching movies, plus it was a decent movie. Tried to read some Harry Potter, but was too exhausted from Dramamine. Started to doze off.
Went to dining area, which was really annoying. My friend Justin and I have very different interests, so we do things alone. I went to this dining area, and told them “Yeah just me,” but I got asked if I was waiting for someone about 10 times. Like hello! People don’t need someone around 24/7. I can eat a nice meal alone without someone. It’s not going to kill me, I promise.  Had goat cheese tart and lasagna. Mm. So full.
Watched some soccer and Star Wars 8 on tv before eventually going to bed. I’m not really a fan of soccer, but I do for some reason love Manchester United. Don’t know why, but I do. I must see a game one of these days!!!!!!!!!
total: $0

Day 3

Then read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone in the galaxy room. My fave place is by the window, so I can watch the ocean. Even though sometimes watching the waves, as relaxing as it is, makes me dizzy. The galaxy is like the nightclub/bar area. But in the daytime, it was usually pretty empty and chill. You can go down and see the bridge (where they drive the boat from). It had a nice vibe and definitely was my favorite spot.
started Chamber of Secrets.
$15 sunscreen, I needed it though. I was tired of hiding in the shade all day.
Star Wars in the theater.
Met a nice ex banker, Mary, from Buffalo. She was nice. Watched her make a bead bracelet.

Supper. Comedian, Bud Allen. He wasn’t very funny.. funnier the first night in the variety show thing. He was missing something this show, I can’t explain it.

Raspberry martini. My first martini ever actually. Made with chambord, my fave. Strong tho!! I felt super fancy drinking it, like I was on Sex and The City.

Slowly it was starting to feel more comfortable, but sometimes it still felt a bit stuffy or something. I was still preferring Carnival to Norwegian.



Day 4
St Thomas
Crazy insane roads and traffic, our driver was a maniac! I swear! He drove way too fast to be driving up and down a mountain. Eeks!!!!!!! I would absolutely never drive here. Only place in us that drives on the left side of the road. So beautiful….but it had a lot of ghetto areas.   Didn’t look like it would be very safe.

We went to Magen’s Beach, which was amazing! (FYI, the shuttle to the beach is $10 a person and $10 back. So keep that in mind! Transportation is not cheap, kids)
Snorkeled for like two hours. Hurts my jaw so bad, I had trouble opening my mouth afterwards. haha oohhh well. Worth it. Swam with sea turtle twice Seen sting ray and fish.  I have to admit, seeing that sting ray, I was first like “COOL!!!!” and then my brain goes, “Steve Irwin….” and I swam further away from it. haha That thing was huge, like probably a good 6-8 feet across huge. I didn’t want to get to close and die.

When I first seen the turtle, I admit I freaked out a bit! Sea Turtles are one of my favorite animals and I thankfully had my underwater camera on. I got a video of it, where you can hear me squealing with glee through my snorkeling tube! haha My camera battery was dying, so I’m glad I got two short, shaky videos of my turtle!
Lunch on boat.
Finished chamber of secrets.
Glad to have phone signal again! I hadn’t missed the social media/internet too bad yet. But it was nice to post some pics and tell my sisters I was alive, cuz they were worried. hahaha

Danced to British hits in the dance club area. So much fun. The hot New Zealander dancer was there. Mmmm. Makes me wanna go to New Zealand even more now. Haha The Ukranian guy, Alex, was there. He’s way cute as well and way more approachable than the New Zealand guy. The New Zealand guy looks too serious for me. I like a charismatic funny man!
Definitely needed the dancing as a mood booster.
Went to the comedy hypnotist. Twice. So hilarious.
25 atm
20 off synchrony card. Thank goodness.
$4.50 for chocolate and coconut water
Total: $50.50

Day 5
St Maarten

Took a cab to Maho beach. Once again, transportation is not cheap. It was also $10 a person one way, so keep that in mind.  Took selfies with planes, check that off the bucket list!

Wanted to snorkel but the water was too rough, like waaayy rough. And I was too sunburnt on my back. Owie. Beautiful island. Not as scary as St Thomas. But still so high. Our cab driver on the way back to town was the coolest dude. He was telling us all kinds of things about the island. I liked that guy, I wish i could remember his name! WE didn’t have time the energy/money to go to the French side of the island, which I somewhat regret…but it gives me another reason to go back. And St. Maarten was soooooo pretty that I definitely want to go back. It was clean and lovely. I can’t say enough good things!
Played pictionary and trivia with a group of English seniors. Pretty nice group. Also a Russian lady too (later found out her name was Larissa). This group I teamed up with for trivia ended up becoming some of my favorite people on the boat. We did music trivia together for the rest of the cruise, which I looked forward to very much!
Watched mocking jay part 2. My sweet lovely Peeta. ❤❤❤❤
Opera singer Aaron shaw. What a voice. My sister Kelsey would have cried or something. Amazing.
Jamming to Motown 🙂 this awesome couple was the only one dancing. They rock. Haha
Keep seeing the blond guy that reminds me of Ian. I must meet him. Haha!!!

**quick side note… I hadn’t mentioned it in a blog yet, as it was kind of personal and all..but I was really hoping on this trip to get over a crush I had on a guy at work, Ian. He’s happily married, but he’s soooo my type. He’s funny, charismatic, charming, always chill, loves music, plays guitar. Yeah ..my type. But married. And I had to get over this crush, as it’s not good to like someone else’s husband. And plus, 89% of the time, I don’t know if I ever want to date or get married in the first place. So the crush needed to end! **
I’ve done a lot of thinking about how little time I have left to decide if I want a husband and kids. Most days I don’t but yet I look all the attractive men I can see. And think of all the qualities in a man that I want. So maybe I do. I don’t know. I go so back and forth.
Now that I can’t have Zac and the only other guy I’ve really liked is married as well. So that doesn’t help. But I know I have a lot of confidence issues I need to work on. But no idea on how to fix them. :/ so I don’t know. But I do think about Ian and I’m totes not supposed to, damnit!
Late supper. Calamari. Gross. Tastes like chewy sea water.
Had lots of seafood dishes. Cuz when in Rome. :p
The sea was really making me nervous and I couldn’t figure out why. Then I realized I’ve never been this far from home or land before. It’s uncharted waters for me. And it is a bit wavy. So that never helps the nerves. It’s always a bit scary traveling. So many things can go wrong. You just never know. This was our last day on land for 7 days. It was just overwhelming there for about 1/2 a day.
Total: $53


Day 6

Day at sea, the first in a 6 day long stretch. I was expecting them to be boring, wasn’t the case. They were actually my favorite days.
Breakfast. The Dramamine helped me sleep pretty well. a good 9hrs or so. Didn’t feel the waves at all when I slept. I actually almost preferred sleeping when it was pretty wavy. It was just like being rocked to sleep.
Very wavy. But tolerable.

Captain said the wind was 50 knots. And the ocean was 5000-6000 meters. Oh my goodness. :0
Tried to read in the galaxy but so crowded. I hope it’s not like that every day. 😦
Eventually found an empty sea near the champagne area.
finished prisoner of azkaban.
Had a good chat with the Russian lady, Larissa,  during Michael buble song set and then lunch. She was cool.
Magic show. – pretty cool. No idea how he did those illusions. Hot New Zealand guy was on stage. So sexy. Mmmm
(Eventually found out how new Zealand guy’s name was Ric, and in a serious relationship. haha damn! But it’s ok, he was way too hot for me.)

total: $0

Day 7

Read goblet of fire. About 1/2
Very windy
Went to the weight loss hypnosis seminar. So wish I could afford those CDs. I want them a lot. Mark yuzuik. Look it up later self.
I definitely need the change.
Movie. “The walk.” Horrifying. Haha. I don’t like heights or fear of death. Noooo thanks
Reading more Goblet of Fire. I am forever wondering how a human and a 20 ft giant had sex to make Hagrid. An engorgement charm?! Haha. No really. Jo please tell us!!!!!!
Been feeling oddly lonely. Which is pretty new to me. I don’t feel lonely very often. But there are nothing but couples on this ship and it’s frustrating. Plus trying to get over Ian doesn’t help. He’s the first guy I’ve really liked since Zac, which makes it hard. But Either way. Sucks.
Music show. Hoping to see the ridiculously hot dancer guy. Wish I knew his name(Ric). He seems kind of shy or boring when he’s not dancing tho, but so hot. Haha
Had tiramisu on buffet. Tasted amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤

Trash bag fashion show. I was one of the “designers” and my model was the nicest lady, Connie. She was super cool and we gave her a classy little black dress, with a tiara full of fish stickers. haha She was the Princess of the Ocean. We didn’t win, but it was a lot of fun!
Met up with Larissa at the music show. We ate dinner at Shogun Asian. Then went dancing. Introduced me to Alex, the cute Ukrainian staff. He flirted with me a bit. :p
It was fun to dance. But my calves were so tired and sore.

total: $0
Day 8
Found out last night the dude that looks like a more blond Ian name is Mark. He was at the trash bag fashion show. He seemed like a really boring version of Ian. haha Didn’t have a lot of personality.
Read some Goblet of Fire on the deck.

Alex so cute. Haha he told me to come to the freestyle dancing. He caught me when I was sitting on the deck reading. The wind in his hair. Oh my. Swoon a bit.
Stress hypnosis seminar. Still want those CDs. 😦

Movie: “Daddy’s Home” it was funny but not as funny as I’d hoped.
Michael Jackson music trivia. Got 100% only team to! 🙂
Got dressed up and feeling pretty and confident. Went to the freestyle dancing competition and partnered with Alex, because he later told me that he chose me (insert feeling special over here!) We didn’t win, but it was fun. We did a fake fight after we were eliminated. Damn, I wish you guys could see that!  Hahahahaah gonna be on tv. Oh lord.
Juggler was so hilarious: Scotty Cavanaugh. Laughed so hard.
Dancing to the 70’s disco. So fun. So hot!!! That hot dancer was there. His name is either Nic or Ric. I couldn’t see. Swoon. Danced with Alex a few times. All the ladies were feeling him up! It was quite funny to watch. He gets groped a lot.
Larissa eventually came and we danced a few songs before the galaxy closed.

total: $0


Day 9

Slept like crap because of a bad dream about Zac. Dreamed about daddy once too. I don’t remember what it was tho.
Woke up too early at 8… But like that’s 3am Kansas time. Zzzzz didn’t feel like any sleep cuz I was awake feeling upset about the dream so much. 😦
I wanted to be up to learn Ukrainian language today, because I’m guessing Alex is the teacher. va va voom! 😉
I just feel too tired and serious today. Boo. I hate when you have a dream and it affects your emotions the whole day. I just felt in a sad funk.
Ukrainian language. Wow those letters are crazy. Taught by Alex. He definitely thinks I’m cute, I’m sure of it. He looked at me so much. Haha :p he’s adorable!! He has the prettiest blue eyes. It’s always been a rule of mine, since I was like 16, that blue eyed guys will only break your heart. I wasn’t listening to the rule…. oops!
Read some Order of the Phoenix. Fucking Umbridge, man.
Listened to “Firelight ” Young the Giant while gazing at the ocean. So peaceful. My uneasiness a few days ago is long gone. I have fallen in love with the ship and the ocean. It still makes me a little dizzy, but I never want to stop looking at the water and the waves. It’s so calming and wonderful. I could have stayed out there all day.
Stomach has been feeling yuck all day 😦
Memory seminar. Wasn’t as good as the others but helpful.
Instagram talk with Alex. He takes really good pics. So cute. Must find out his Instagram name. 🙂

(later told me it was  @alexstenko. Seriously check him out! He’s an amazing photographer!!!!!!)
Read some more and looked out on the deck. So lovely but tooooo windy. Made it cool. It was nice to just take the time to appreciate I’m on this insanely big and beautiful ocean. It’s so powerful and could totally kill us all if it wanted to. You have to respect that.
Got to see the dance competition on TV. Oh god. I looked like a whale. Especially next to Alex cuz he’s so slender. Trying to let it not bother me.
Supper and then off to El Guacho (no idea what/who that is??)
Omg that was hilarious and awesome!!!!!!! Laughed so hard. And he played the most amazing Spanish guitar!!!!!! El Guacho is a comedian/guitarist/ and does this thing with these ..oh I don’t know what they are called! The are like straps of leather with metal bits on the end that he hits on the floor. But it was soooo awesome!
Seen Alex and he wouldn’t even look at me. I don’t know why. I’m sure he was just working and trying not to show favoritism. Clearly, I read into things too much. Girl alert!!!!
Karaoke. Oh dear. I left that. All slow old boring songs. Boo.
I’ve been in such a funk today. Plus my stomach is bothering me. Can’t shake the bad funk. Went to room to read more Harry Potter and jam to some tunes.
Went back and seen El gaucho again. So hilarious. Laughed as much as the first time
Went to Mahirini (casino/dance club) and Alex was there. Danced with him. Got his Instagram magnet. Hehe did the meringue dance with him. Totally looked like he wanted to kiss me…if he wouldn’t have been at work, I would have kissed him. ooh la la!!! Sang to me a bit too. Said I was hot hot hot. Hahah oh shit. So clearly I misread him earlier. I do that.
Went to get a drink cuz I was dehydrated and seen CJ, one of the other dancers and she’s awesome. I’ve met a few great people on this boat already. I don’t want to get off of it…ever.
Back to galaxy to jam to VIP. They are a good band from Colombia.

total: $20 (bag of laundry)
Day 10

Didn’t sleep well again. Some of that was thinking about Alex. Blech. Haha. I get little crushes sooo fast sometimes. oops, my bad.
Insomnia seminar. Went halfieses on CDs. Thank God! The weight loss one was really helping me. I am already eating less and feeling like i’m losing weight, without even trying!
Learning about the ship , very interesting : 12 semi trucks of food!!!! 11,000 of the 18,000 people are from the UK. Average age 61. Haha 400 from USA
I’m really sad there are only 4 days left. I don’t wanna leave. But I always feel like that. I’m not feeling homesick at all. Like at all. I just wanna forever keep floating with free food and drinks and no real worries man. The reality of getting off the ship was really hitting me
Haven’t seen Alex today at all.
Had lunch with Larissa. She’s nice but sometimes a little bossy to the staff. After years of working with customers, it bothers me when people are bossy or rude.
Read some hp finally. I tried this morning but Mary was there and I talked with her and her friend and then watched the fruit carving seminar thing. He’s so talented. Carved a woman in a watermelon and a fish from a pineapple.
Disney music trivia. Same team as the mj one. Got 100% cuz we’re the best!!!
Reading again.

Sephira– violin/singers sisters. Super talented!!!!
Finally seen Alex. What a lady killer. Ugh
Dressed up in the cute pink and grey dress.
Had some girl talk with Dawn and Charlene. They are so sweet. They met Justin first at dinner one night. Seriously like the nicest ladies ever. You couldn’t ask for better people!!!!!!
Went dancing. Alex so damn handsome. Oh man. He told Larissa that he likes me.
Swoon. Those eyes man. *dead*

total: $60 (hypnosis audio)


Day 11

Day three of sleeping like fucking hell. Had like 3-5 dreams about Alex.
Missed his ukranian language lesson. So mad!!!! 😦
Larissa told me that she told Alex to marry me. Oh god. I’m so mad and embarrassed. I must find him and apologize and tell him that I never told her this. I can’t believe she told him that. #hangsheadinshame
The weather is quite cool. 65 with high winds feels much cooler. Everyone is inside and it’s very crowded most places. Annoying.
Towel folding. There’s really nothing to do today.
Afternoon variety show. Seen Alex at the door. So embarrassed. Damnit, I need to explain that wasn’t me who said that!

Scotty is so funny man. I got to meet him before he leaves tomorrow.
Dancers performed to a song from hairspray. Oh man I was about ready to jump on stage!!! Haha I love that movie!
Movie: “The Good Dinosaur”. Not good, that name is a lie. haha

Music trivia. got them all, because we’re the best!!!!
Dinner with Justin, Dawn, and Charlene. So much fun. 🙂
Aerial dancers. Such a great show. Charlene is the nicest lady ever!!! seriously!
Dancing in the galaxy. Told Alex that wasn’t me who said that. He was totally cool with it. Reminded me of “always chill” Ian. (which can be so damn annoying! But like have some emotions about things or something) I’m glad he’s OK with it all and knew I wouldn’t say that. I was so embarassed… whew!
total: $0


Day 12

A little bit better sleep. Thank goodness. But not a lot better. Haha
Madeira. Wow. The best place I’ve ever been. So beautiful and clean. Amazing place. Just breathtaking. I took like 500 pictures, no lie.

We seen so much of the island and I loved it. I stood on a glass bottom viewing over a 500 meter high cliff. That was a life experience.
Met Scotty Cavanaugh, the juggler. Omg he was the sweetest and cutest thing ever!!!!!!! So nice. Find him on Facebook.  I want to keep him!!! I talked to him forever and I think we could have been BFF’s in another life. haha
Got my pic with Alex. Aye aye. He looks good. I look terrible. Hahahahaah
I’m a bit sad to leave Madeira. Great memories. Worth every cent.

Won at trivia again. Cuz we’re awesome. I’m gonna miss our team 😦
Going to the show, seen Mohamed and talked to him for a bit. He’s very nice. Alex seen me talking to him came over and we took pics together. Cute boy sandwich. Oh yeahhhhh!!!! He almost seemed jealous. Hehehe
Aaron Shaw singing again. He did some oldies and love ballads, loved it!. What a talented guy. Got a pic with him and a cd to share with Kelsey. Cuz she’ll love it.

Chilled for a bit. Listened to karaoke.
Dancing in the galaxy as it has become my life. Haha but omg my legs hurt so bad!!!! Ow ow owwwww. Too much walking today

total: $180 (got extra euros for Spain and cd)

Day 13
Only one more day. Packed most of my suitcase. 😦 it sucks. I’ve really come to love this ship and some of the people on it. I will miss them for sure. It’s crazy to think the first two days I didn’t love it.
Breakfast. Saw a beautiful rainbow. Hope it brings good luck.
My phone camera was acting crazy and pissing me off. Found out it was on the wrong date.
Mary made me a beautiful bracelet from her beading. She’s so sweet.
Watched Armando(hotel captain) and captain Roger decorate a cake. Pretty funny.

Used the self confidence audio track. Couldn’t get too relaxed cuz I was cold and hurting.
Booked my massage for 530.
Alex asked me to do his dance class last night but I can’t quit on my trivia team. We’re too good. I told Liza about it and she said she would have thrown him off the boat if I left the group! I’m most of the reason that we always win! Bragging rightttss!!!!Haha

Lunch. Tried bouillabaisse. Didn’t like it. Too fishy man. Not for me.
Met up with Yvonne and Liza and watched the passenger talent show. They are so nice! There was a lot of talent on the boat!

Concussion movie. It was ok.
Trivia. 100% again !!
Massage: $18 cuz of tip
Supper with  Justin, Charlene, and Dawn again.
Elements show. Pretty awesome. The wind and snow were my favorites!
Did a special mention of all the crew at the end. Oh man that got me in the feels. I’m really too sad to leave this boat. So sad. I legit almost cried!!!!!!
The last sunset over the Atlantic. And it’s amazing. I can see Africa/Morocco. Wow. Just wow. I’m so overwhelmed right now. Morocco is to my right side. How crazy is that?! Apparently Star Wars and Indiana Jones were filmed in those mountains.

On the left is Spain. We passed Portugal already. Must be small!!!! It’s so surreal. I never thought I’d do something this amazing in my life. I’ll never forget it.
Went on the deck and took pics for like an hour.
Bud Allen again he was a bit funnier this time. But still missing something for me.

Dancing in the galaxy to vip. But my heart isn’t in it. Alex wasn’t there since they started late. And I’m just in a sad mood. Sad to leave the ship. Real life beckons and I don’t wanna answer it. 😦 and London has me stressed cuz of the money too. Boo.
Also it’s really hitting me tomorrow is the last day I’ll see Alex. Man I do like him. Boo. why do I always like the guys that are unobtainable ???? Like even if I keep in touch with him via social media, nothing will ever come of it. He’s following his career, wanting to be a cruise director some day, and we live 1/2 a world away. It couldn’t work, even if I wanted it. And that’s just a little sad. He seems like a great guy. I’m just being a girl about it.

total: $18


day 14

The last full day. How crazy is that?????  I’m literally thinking I’m hearing Alex voice everywhere. I want to be sure to say goodbye to him and try to keep in contact. So he won’t leave my head.
Breakfast. Had to stock up on croissants. :p
Went to the galaxy to read. So cold!!! Read a little bit but Mary came over and we talked a bit.She’s a very sweet lady! I’ll miss her
Spanish lesson.
Back to galaxy talked to Mary and Diane. So nice.
Scattegories. Didn’t win haha I was paired with this English couple, but the other groups were dirty and creative! Poor Beatriz didn’t know half of what they were talking about. haha
Crew talent show. Alex did three things: magic show, singing in Spanish , and then with the group. Damn he’s funny and talented! The group thing was hilarious…and in a toga. Mmmm he had a hot body.
Packed 😥
Music trivia again. Chatted with Yvonne before. She’s so sweet. Called me her bestie. 🙂
Got 100% again!
Exchanged my points (you get them for doing activities on the boat) for a tshirt and pens. Haha really hoped for a luggage tag. Oh well. I got the memories. They were a good group of people. I will miss them for sure.
The Mediterranean is so much more calm than I expected!!! Doesn’t even feel like we’re moving at all. I hope I see Alex tonight. I’m gonna miss him. Especially after seeing his sexy chest in that toga. Damnnnn. Why wasn’t he wearing a toga the whole trip!?!?!?!
Sephira. So good. Got a pic with them after, such nice girls!
Q&a with production cast. Ric has a serious girlfriend. Damn. Hahahaah it’s ok. I like Alex anyway. And he said I can add him on fb so that’s awesome.
VIP in galaxy. Man they are on firreeee!! The Colombian heat is out tonight!!!!! Haha
Apparently Laree told Justin to keep me from falling for some dude on this trip. Hahahaah. She knows me too well man. 😉
Got to say goodbye to CJ, Yanique, and Beatriz. Those girls are great. It’s so nice when you meet people, from everywhere in the world, and they feel like you’ve been friends for years. That boat really felt like home, and family. It was heartbreaking to leave it, truly.

Alex took some selfies with us but I didn’t get to say goodbye. 😦 I wanted to hug him and tell him to wear a toga more. Haha damn he looked sexy in that toga!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like I’m ever gonna get that image out of my head! 😉


Insert sad face here….. :(:( 😦

Could barely sleep. Had a dream Alex was in the USA. I think he was my boyfriend in that dream, or almost.
Woke up at like 315-330, after like going to bed at 12:30!

It’s exciting to know that when my feet touch land again, it will be in a different continent. That’s amazing to me. I’ve been in the caribbean, and Madeira, but a truly different continent, I hadn’t!
Came out on the deck at 4am to see Spain. The boat will dock at 5. That would have woken me up anyway. The engines are loud when you stop.
Oh man I got to hug my Alex. Sniff sniff. He’s so beautiful. My stomach was churning from nerves and sadness. I wanted to see Alex again, of course, because God knows if I ever will see him in real life again. But no matter what, it was the most amazing cruise of my life. Definitely the best trip of my life, the highlight of my trip. And my little/medium sized crush on Alex definitely helped! It helped me get over Ian, and that was necessary!!!!!!!!!
I will say that the Norwegian Spirit felt like a second home to me. I really and honestly didn’t want to get off that ship! It makes me sad that they are planning to renovate the ship in 2017… don’t do it! It has charm and appeal, just leave it aloneeeee!!! Don’t make it fancier. It’s great the way it is. I’ll never forget her, or the wonderful people I met on her. It was a life changer for sure.

Florida Days

This is the first part of the big trip. We spent 4-20 to 4-23 in Orlando/Cape Canaveral area before getting on the Norwegian Spirit for 14 lovely days. As you should know from previous blog posts (if you read them) I love Florida. I was meant for warmth, sunshine, and humidity. And I would eventually like to move there-I was planning on it-but it just isn’t the right time yet. I feel like there’s different pastures for me to graze upon.


Universal Studios

We got in late on the 4-20. I don’t like flying, it stresses me out. I was very glad to be back on land, even though the flight to Orlando wasn’t bad. We checked into the hotel and we’re in bed about midnight. Got an early start and made it to Universal Studios about 8:30, so we were waiting a little before the doors opened. I thought they opened at 8… I was wrong. haha It wasn’t very busy for most of the day. We went straight to Hogsmeade and hung out there for a little bit. Then realized the train wasn’t busy, so we rode over to Diagon Alley. 🙂 I love Universal so much, they put so much into making it feel real, even though you’re surrounded by shops and money making machines. It’s a business, that’s for sure, but it doesn’t always feel like it. We rode the Men In Black ride (the only ride I like), but I was feeling kind of queasy on it. I wish I would have had some dramamine that didn’t make me drowsy. I get motion sickness too easy! Justin loves the Simpsons so we hung out there a bit too. We hit the other main highlights (we’ve both been there quite a few times) and were really feeling the heat and exhaustion of walking so much. Ate at Margaritaville (been meaning to forever!). I had a Cheeseburger in Paradise (hehe I love that song) and just chilled in the shade.

We ended up going to the movie theater and seeing Batman V Superman again. I love that movie. That movie theater, however, was as cold as the arctic tundra! I was literally shivering the entire movie, which sucked. I hate being cold. I can’t say it enough.

Thankfully, Universal did the special presentation at the end of the day, where they talk about all their movies and have fireworks at the end. They did not do that when I went in 2015 and it broke my heart! I love fireworks, they are one of my all time favorite things in the world. So it was great to see them. I felt like it was a good omen for the rest of the trip. Start out with a bang and it could only go up from there!


Kennedy Space Center

I had been to Kennedy Space Center once before in 2015, but it was late in the day and we didn’t go inside. We just browsed through the shop and took pictures by the NASA ball thing. Which was good enough for the time being. However, Justin and I are both a bit of space nerds. I remember very vividly watching this old 80’s movie “Space Camp” (I think that’s the name of it) that I watched and really wanted to do that. I didn’t have motion sickness as a child and really, really wanted to go to space. I was less fearful as a kid, not the case now. haha I’m scared of so much stuff. But I was excited to go, to say the least.
They have a bus tour of the launchpads that comes with the admission cost($50). It’s about 2- 2.5 hours long, but WORTH IT! You get to see quite a few launchpads, the HUGE crawler. That crazy awesome huge building with the NASA sticker that’s super famous. You also get to see the van that the astronauts take to the launch too. It was awesome. Plus, they do this amazing video in a control center area. It looks just like the control center from the time of the Space Shuttle Colombia. The whole room begins vibrating like it would when the real shuttle launched. I would like to play tough and say that I didn’t get totally overwhelmed with emotion, but that’s a damn lie! I totally almost cried, tears in my eyes. I would have cried man, I would have, but I don’t cry in public. It was just like I was taken back to that moment, that special moment in history, and felt like I was right there. It was just magical, man. MAGICAL. Whew. I can’t say it enough, just go.

Once the bus tour is over, they take you back to the main complex. We headed to the Atlantis exhibit. It had a bit of a line, but that wasn’t a problem. I don’t mind waiting in line. They once again take you in this room and give you this presentation about how they worked to get the space shuttles in operation. Then shuffle you off to another room, a dome shaped room and shut the door. They start this video that’s over the whole room, which made me a little dizzy because it was space and spinning. I will say this for NASA, they really know how to make background music. Oh man that music was getting me in the feels again! They show the take off of Atlantis and then it’s on the screen in front of you, like life sized and you feel so amazed and wonderful, and so ready to see it in person. They the door opens and you realize, dude, that IS Atlantis right in front of you. It’s been in space, explored it all. I’ve seen the Endeavor in California and it was amazing. I almost teared up again! It’s just mind blowing that people have been there, really been there in space. Space exploration is so important. We need to know what’s out there, and to help understand Earth more too.

We also went and seen a movie in the IMAX too. It got a bit dizzying as well! It’s like the biggest screen and you’re so close to it. They have these amazing shots in space, and it really feels like you’re there with the astronauts. I guess you have to see it to believe it! It was beautiful but scary. NASA is working on a rocket that will take people to Mars. The entire trip will take 2-3 years. I can’t imagine the preparation everyone would have to do to pull off that kind of trip. That’s insane, but amazing and necessary.

Overall, I was extremely impressed with Kennedy Space Center. It’s not a big complex, and I wish we would have had time to see one of the astronauts there that day, but it didn’t happen. I guess that just gives me a reason to go back and see more! 🙂


We had rented a car to drive to Kennedy and Cocoa Beach, where we changed hotels. I had a little trouble getting the rental car, which was under my name, because I had just recently replaced my lost driver’s license. And Kansas is dumb and gives you a paper license until they mail you the real thing. I didn’t get the real thing in time and Alamo wouldn’t accept it. So they used Justin’s ID and didn’t charge us extra, thank God.
After Kennedy, I was pooped and didn’t want to go anywhere at all. So I went to the beach (even though it was cloudy, WINDY, and cool) just to do it. Walking in the sand broke my flip flops though and I didn’t pack anymore. Darnit! I didn’t stay on it long, and went to the restaurant near it and listened to the band playing there. It was getting a bit cool for me, so I packed it in about 30-45 minutes later. Not even 5 minutes after I get back in the room, it starts pouring rain.  I chilled in the hotel the rest of the night.

The next day, we didn’t have to get a super early start, which was one of the only days we didn’t on this whole trip. I mean we didn’t HAVE to have an early start on the sea days of the cruise, but with the window I was up between 6-8am every day. zzzz.

We returned the car and had to wait about an hour and a half for the shuttle to take us to the ship. We got checked in, and all that good stuff… took forever really. haha I was excited and sad to be leaving Florida. Those days went by SO fast! I felt like we had no time to really kick back and relax, but I wasn’t complaining. Once the boat finally left the dock, I went up to take some pictures of the coast line. Man that was pretty.


Overall, Florida was great like always. Not enough time spent there, but is there ever???